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Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 08, 2018


Earth is throbbing for over 4.6 billion years ago, for now, a cloud of gas (mostly hydrogen and helium) and interstellar dust that formed our sun, the rest of our solar system and even galaxies. In fact, Earth is still forming and cooling from the galactic implosion that created the other stars and planetary systems of this universe. This process has begun about 13.6 billion years ago when the Milky Way Galaxy began to form. There is nothing in the form of object. But still there is something that is still a mystery. Today, when the first civilization is established, people started thinking about the beginning. They found nothing to express that moment. Journey of civilizations went on.
In the Babylonian period,
people discovered him. He can express the first moment of the world. They could understand that his roots stretch back to the dawn of time billions of years before the first Civilizations. Some crazy people started to work on him. They found that he has dangerous mathematical properties and the power to shatter the Logic. The Greek learn about him when Alexander, the great, marched his troops into Babylon in the 4th century BC. Crowned heads was not ready to accept the power of a thing that doesn’t existed. So the Greeks abhorred him. He was nothing for them but he is everything. The evoke images of a primal void.
The journey began from Babylon.They had no need of such a powerful mathematical operator that can change their logic of understanding. They had unique symbols to represent each number. They use number only for measuring and counting. So he was not a part of the Babylonian Number system. Nobody needed a number to express nothing. So he continues his journey.
He stated to visit greatphilosophers of that time but he was rejected every time. Soon he understood that he did not conform to rational and logical Aristotelianism. At the same time, geometry was developing. But Pythagoras made connections between shapes and numbers. So he didn’t fit there either. There was no geometrical shape that expressed him. The Church burned at stake, anyone who believed in him. The concept of limited world didn’t come up with him. The Indian Mathematicians learned about him when Alexander's army continued to the east and conquered Persia. They named him zero. So zero was reborn here.
2nd century BC, the RomanEmpire swallowed up Greece.  India, by retaining its own religion, is ultimately able to discover the power of Zero.Zero is transformed from an unnecessary entity to a valued number placed with homage on the number line. By 7th century the star of the west, the Roman Empire has sunk beyond horizon. Islam! a new  starin the East, rose by that time . Conquering India, the Arabs learnt about zeroin here. The Indian Notation became Arabic numerals. In the west, for 700years, not single mathematical advances had been made without zero. Leonardo FibonaccI learned mathematics from the Muslims in North Africa. In 1202 AD, he presented zero to the west and opened the door to another scientific revolution.

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