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Words For Life

Friday, February 16, 2018


According to NCTB syllabus and English Grammar the following note is prepared for the students. 


Tenses: Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous. The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).
Each Tense has four sub categories.
They are-:
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Future
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Future Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

Present Tense

       1.Simple Present: This Tense is used to express the habits, daily routine and universal truths. In this tense the first form of the verb is used.
Taking the verb ‘eat’ we can make sentences in the following manner:
Formula: Subject + V1

   1.     I eat an apple every day.
   2.     We eat apples every day.
   3.     You eat apples every day.
   4.     He eats an apple every day.
   5.     She eats an apple every day.
   6.     It eats an apple every day.
   7.     They eat apples every day.

2.Present Continuous: This Tense is used to express an action which is continuing or taking place now. In this tense the ‘ing’ form of the verb is used.

Formula: Subject + Aux +V4 (ing form)

   1. I am eating an apple now.
   2. We are eating apples now.
   3.You are eating an apple now.
   4. He is eating an apple now.
   5.She is eating an apple now.
   6. It is eating an apple now.
   7.They are eating apples now.
   3.Present Perfect : This Tense is used to express an action which is over just now or completed today. In this tense the third form of the verb is used.

Formula: Subject +Auxiliary Verb + V3 (Past Participle Form)

   1. I have eaten an apple today.
   2.We have eaten apples today.
   3.You have eaten an apple today.
   4. He has eaten an apple today.
   5.She has eaten an apple today.
  6. It has eaten an apple today.
  7.They have eaten apples today.

    4.Present Perfect Continuous : This Tense is used to express an action which began at some point of time in the past and is still continuing. In this tense the ‘ing’ form of the verb is used.
         Formula: Subject+Aux+Aux+V4(ing form)

1.     I have been eating apples for the last three months.
2.     We have been eating apples for the last three months.
3.     You have been eating apples for the last three months.
4.     He has been eating apples for the last three months.
5.     She has been eating apples for the last three months.
6.     It has been eating apples for the last three months.
7.     They have been eating apples for the last three months.

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